Monday, 30 April 2018

Ufonaut (1865, Siberia, Russia)

While looking for a lost animal from his herd, a shepherd came across a forest glade containing a giant sphere with supports. Accompanying this sphere were a group of large, humanoid 'monsters', and his lost animal lay next to them. The cow was dead, and its stomach was slit open despite the lack of blood or gore visible on the scene. The humanoids bent over the animal, looking like they were studying it or possibly cutting something out of it, according to the witness. Later, they noticed the witness and gestured to him 'in a strange fashion', at which point he ran away from the area in fear.
Source: 'The Soviet UFO Files' by Paul Stonehill

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Demon (February 13th 1866, Bracken County, Kentucky)

On Monday night the owner of a local plantation and his family had retired to rest when suddenly they were aroused by a great outcry from the 'Negro' quarters, which was immediately to the rear of the house. They heard men, women and children screaming in terror, creating a scene of utter pandemonium. His wife and him sprang from their bed. Their room was illuminated as brightly as by a flood of sunlight, though the light was of a bluish cast. At first they thought that the 'Negro' cabins were being consumed by fire. They rushed to the windows and beheld a sight that fairly curdled the blood in their veins with horror and filled their hearts with utmost terror. Their daughters, shrieking loudly, came flying into the room, hysterical with fear. They beheld, standing to the right of the upper cabin, near the fence that separated the 'Negro’s' garden from the house yard a creature of gigantic stature, and the most horrifying appearance. It was nearly as high as the cabin and had a monstrous head not similar in shape to that of an ape, with two short white horns above each eye, and it had long arms, covered with shaggy hair of an ashen hue that terminated in huge paws, not unlike those of a cat, and armed with huge and hooked claws. Its breast was as broad as that of a large sized ox, its legs resembled the front legs of a horse, and only the hoofs were cloven. It had a long tail armed with a dart shaped horn, which it was continually switching about. Its eyes glowed like two living coals of fire, while its nostrils and mouth were emitting sheets of blue colored flame, with a hissing sound, like the hissing of a serpent only a thousand fold louder. Its general color, save the arms, was a dull dingy brown. The air was powerfully impregnated with a smell of burning sulfur. The poor 'Negroes' were evidently laboring under extreme terror, and two of them, an old woman and a lad were actually driven to insanity by their fears and have not recovered their reason up to this writing. The strange creature then was enveloped in a spiral in a spiral column of flame that reached nearly to the top of the locust trees adjacent, and which hid its horrid form completely from view. The extinction of the flame was instantaneous, and with its disappearance they were relieved of the presence of this remarkable visitor. It was reported that the same or similar creature appeared on several nights at neighboring plantations.
Source: Anomalistic List - Jerome Clark, quoting Nathaniel G. Squires

Ufonaut (Summer 1901, Bournebrook, West Midlands, England)

Frank Warily; ten years old, was taking a shortcut along a path behind his terraced housing estate. Suddenly he came upon a strange object sitting on the grass and thought that it was a workman’s hut. There was a small box-shaped ship’s funnel on top and a door on the side. The object was a greenish blue metallic color with a sheen, half the size of a modern car. Suddenly Frank was confronted by two small beings who stepped down out of the doorway. They were four feet high, clean-shaven, and looked human with no odd features. They wore tight-fitting one piece uniforms with a greenish gray Military look and each wore a dark helmet that masked the eyes and ears almost completely. Emerging from the top were two wires almost like horns on a Viking’s helmet. The wires rose nine inches. One humanoid remained in the doorway. The other moved towards Frank with his arms outstretched, suggesting to Frank to get out of his way. Frank got out of the way and as he was doing this the humanoid scuttled back into the machine and the door closed. There was then a brilliant flash like electric arcing that lit up the perimeter of the object as well as a whooshing sound and the box-shaped craft climbed up into the sky in a curved flight. Frank noticed a pulsating red light at the rear as it ascended. This is one of the earliest reports of creatures specifically identified as ufonauts being observed close to their craft. It is interesting that they appear to have warned the witness to stay away, though this gesture may have been misinterpreted.
Source: Derek James and Phil Bennett, Nufon News #50.

Am Fear Liath Mòr (1900, Ben MacDhui, Scotland)

Two men were chipping for crystals on the slope of a mountain, when they suddenly became aware of a giant gray-colored ten-foot tall figure walking towards them. The figure was momentarily lost from sight in a dip on the slope, and then the witnesses became extremely terrified and ran away from the area. There is a rich history of sightings of phantasmal giants on this Scottish mountain, so much that a name has been given to the creature - Am Fear Liath Mòr or the Grey Man.
Source: ‘Mystery Animals of Britain and Ireland' by Graham J. McEwan

Ufonaut (1900, Kuhmo, Lentiira, Finland)

Four children had gone into the swamp and wooded area in order to collect cloudberry. The older children were supposed to keep an eye on the younger ones. An adult had also stayed close by, at the foot of a large pine tree keeping a close eye on the children. Suddenly she became aware that the children were nowhere to be seen; terrified, she ran to the village and immediately a search party was organized and a thorough search was conducted for days, however no trace of the children was found. However weeks after their strange disappearance, the children suddenly appeared again, standing under the large pine tree. After being interrogated by village elders, all the children could remember was that they were approached by some “friendly people” and invited to fly onboard a “device in the air.” According to some of the children, they were able to look down and see the Earth below them. The children were in good health and the adults could not explain how they had gone without food or shelter in the woods for several weeks.

Terror Bird (1641-1922, Argentina & Chile)

The Aónikenk people of Argentina and Chile have a legend that talks about an evil spirit of the cold by the name of 'Kelenken', which is described as a giant black bird of prey. A Chilean Jesuit priest known as Alonso de Ovalle produced a map that has been dated to 1641 - and it depicts animals such as llamas and rheas with an accurate scale, but also shows something resembling an enormous raptor standing on a steppe. This bizarre image (shown above) resembles an extinct bird of the higher classification Phorusrhacoidea. These animals were flightless predators that could reach 9.8ft tall in some cases.
Interestingly, a Professor F. B. Loomis released an article in the New York Times in 1922 discussing cryptozoological occurences in Patagonia - mostly living plesiosaurs - but also noted that several local cowboys 'sometimes talk of great wingless birds'. He attributed this to their drunken hallucinations, but how could these mainly illiterate men have known about the history of terror birds in the region if not from personal experience?
If these bizarre events are the sum of something more than coincidence, then they could serve to provide evidence that the terror birds may have still roamed Patagonia until roughly 100 years ago.

Sources: and

Griffin (1540s, Peru)

In the 15th century, there were reports of a gigantic creature described as a 'condor-griffin'. Pedro Cieza de León, a Spanish conquistador and chronicler, noted that in Perú during the 1540s there were 'some very big condors that almost look like griffins some attack lambs and small guanaco in the fields'. The Andean Condor has been known to steal children and guanacos (llamas), and the local Tehuelche culture has a myth in which a demigod plucks the feathers from the condor's head as punishment for stealing children. The general Patagonia area was also home to Argentavis magnificens, the largest condor ever known to science - which would have had a 7 meter wingspan. If one of these extinct giants had survived into the 15th century then it could easily account for Cieza de León's report.
Source: La Crónica del Perú by Pedro Cieza de León

Copiapó Pterosaur (March 17th 1868, Copiapó, Chile)

When the day’s work in the mine was over and all the workers were gathered together waiting for their dinner, we saw arrive through the air on the side of the mine known as “La Ternera” an enormous bird that at first we took for the clouds that a that moment were covering a part of the atmosphere, supposing that it had been separated from other clouds by a chance gust of wind as the object in question approached, causing us great surprise, we could see it was an unknown flying object. It was moving from the northeast to the southeast and its flight was fast and in a very straight line. It passed over just above our heads and we could see the strange structure of its body. Its great wings were covered in brownish feathers, the head of the monster looked like that of a lobster and its eyes open wide and bright like embers, and it seemed to be covered in something resembling thick hair, like a sow. Its body was long like a snake’s and only bright scales could be seen on it, which sounded like metallic pieces when the strange animal moved them. Surprise soon became panic amongst the workers before such a strange phenomenon. Some claim they detected a terrible smell in those moments, a smell similar to arsenic when it is burnt. Others say their senses were not so injured in such an odd manner. The superstitious believe it was the devil himself who they saw pass over, while others remember having witnessed in that city, years ago, the passing of a similar monstrous bird.
Source: 'Return to Magonia' by Chris Aubeck
Image Credit:,556,24,artykul.html

Merbeing (1204, Orford, East Anglia, England)

One day around 1204, some Orford fishermen caught something unusually heavy in their nets. As they pulled and pulled on the nets in an attempt to get them back on board their boats, and saw what they thought was a large creature tangled up with the rest of their catch. They were extremely surprised when they finally managed to get their catch aboard because there, in the bottom of their boat was a man staring angrily at them. He was described as being naked but with a hairy body; having a long straggly beard and the top of his head being completely bald. Attempts to speak to him failed so the fishermen restrained him and took him back to the town. The ‘merman’ was taken to Orford castle where the castle custodian, Bartholomew de Gladville, kept him prisoner. He and the jailers tried time and time again to question this ‘merman’ but the creature only uttered grunts and strange noises. They noted that when he was fed raw fish he would squeeze the water out of them into his hands and then drink it. Bartholomew de Gladville became frustrated at the creature’s silence and he had the merman tortured by hanging him upside down by his ankles. Despite this ill treatment the merman still did not (or could not?) talk and eventually his jailers gave up. Bartholomew de Gladville then took him to the nearby church but it was obvious that the creature had never seen a church service before either. One day sometime after he was first captured, the merman was taken down to the harbor. Nets had been strung across the entrance and he was set free so that he could enjoy a swim but without escaping. He made straight for the nets and easily escaped under them and headed out to sea, leaping out of the water with joy. Although he spent a little time that day in sight of the harbor, he was never seen again.
Source: 'Humanoid Encounters' by Albert Rosales &

Green Dwarf (Winter 1959, Derry, New Hampshire)

The witness was gathering Christmas trees when he encountered this ostensibly alien entity. It did not look very human, and had a high domed forehead with green and wrinkled skin. In place of an external nose, it simply had holes and it had green 'glossy' dorsal spines as well as greyish-green body hair. The feet and hands of the creature were described as being 'like stumps', and so it would be reasonable to suspect that they lacked digits. The creature sounds extremely similar to the legendary Chupacabra from this description - not to mention the fact that this thing could literally be described as a 'little green man'.
Source: Modern Mysteries of the World: Strange Events of the Twentieth Century by Janet and Colin Bord

Pooka (1990, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, Leicestershire)

A resident of the aforementioned village awoke in the middle of the night and witnessed what she believed to be a being known as a Pooka in Irish folklore, sleeping over the pelmet of a window on her landing. The creaeture looked similar to a small piglet, but had a long, pointy nose and no visible tail. Pookas are shapeshifting tricksters and mischief-makers in Irish faery lore, but as far as I know they have never been described as piglet-like entities.
Source: A Menagerie of Mysterious Beasts by Ken Gerhard

Ufonaut (December 19, 1954, Valencia, Venezuela)

18-year old jockey José Parra, out on a training run, came upon 6 very hairy little men loading rocks into a disc shaped craft which was hovering less than 9 ft from the ground. Parra started to run away, but one of the little beings pointed a device at him that emitted a beam of violet light, and he found himself paralyzed. The entities jumped aboard their craft & it took off. At the site were found footprints “neither animal nor human.”

Ufonaut (438 AD, Istanbul, Turkey)

An earthquake has destroyed Constantinople; famine and pestilence are spreading. The cataclysm has leveled the walls and the fifty seven towers. Now comes a new tremor, even stronger than all the previous ones. Nicephorus, the historian, reports that in their fright the inhabitants of Byzantium, abandoning their city, gathered in the countryside: “They kept praying to beg that the city be spared total destruction; they were in no lesser danger themselves, because of the movements of the Earth that nearly engulfed them, when a miracle quite unexpected and going beyond all credence filled them with admiration. In the midst of the entire crowd, a child was suddenly taken up by a strong force, so high into the air that they lost sight of him. After this, he came down as he had gone up, and told Patriarch Proclus, the Emperor himself, and the assembled multitude that he had just attended a great concert of the Angels hailing the Lord in their sacred canticles. Acacius, the bishop of Constantinople, states, “The population of the whole city saw it with their eyes.” And Baronius, commenting upon this report, adds the following words; “Such a great event deserved to be transmitted to the most remote posterity and to be forever recorded in human memory through its mention every year in the ecclesiastical annals.” For this reason the Greeks, after inscribing it with the greatest respect into their ancient Menologe, read it publicly every year in their churches.
Source: 'Wonders in the Sky' by Jacques Vallee & Chris Aubeck

Centaur (41–54 AD, Rome, Italy)

Pliny the Elder claims to have seen a dead Centaur preserved in honey. It was being transported to Rome from Arabia via Egypt during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Phlegon of Tralles saw it about sixty years later and wrote that it had a fierce face and hairy arms and fingers. Its human torso merged smoothly with its horse’s body, and its hooves were firm. The entire body had turned dark brown. Obviously, there is a possibility that this entity was really a 'gaff' - a taxidermied fake made from the body of a horse and the torso of a human or monkey.
Source: ‘Mysterious Creatures’ by George Eberhart

Man-Horse (1994, King’s Lynn, Norfolk)

One late evening in 1994, the husband of correspondent Nicky Knott was driving home through King’s Lynn, Norfolk, down a lonely rural back road when he saw a large creature in a field to his right. As it moved closer, it seemed to be a horse, with equine body and four legs, but its observer was horrified to see that it had the face of a man! Terrified, Knott slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped away, and even though he was sure that the ‘thing’ was pursuing him he never once looked back till he reached home. Amazingly, this is not a unique case. Back in spring 1966, a creature fitting this same bizarre, man-faced, horse-bodied, centaur-reminiscent description was encountered in the road ahead as Margaret Johnson and her boyfriend John Farrell were driving past the estate of Lord Dillon in County Louth, Ireland, blocking their way for a couple of minutes and emanating palpable malevolence before abruptly vanishing. There is local mythology of a creature by the name of a 'Pooka' - one of which's forms resembles a monstrous horse. Obviously the connections between this sighting and the ancient centaurs do not need to be emphasised!
Source & Image Credit:

Ufonaut (26 Nov 1972, Zamora, California, USA)

Driving home from her grandmother’s at Bodega Bay, to Zamora, with her two younger sisters, Judy Kendall, 28, expected to be home at approximately 2000. She in fact got home about midnight, finding her parents alarmed over her lateness. She recalled having crossed over Cache Creek Bridge about 2000, and then crossing over it a second time, feeling very tired and barely able to keep her eyes open. Under hypnotic regression, she described feeling an extreme coldness, and of a void around the car; she believed she was floated out of the car and awakened in a round room encircled with windows through which she saw stars. She was on a hard cold surface, and her head seemed to be restrained at times, prohibiting movement. She was able to observe, with restraints removed, two-bucket seats facing a console type instrument panel with a gear like shift; and on her left a table with instruments and a black box. The feeling of cold was intense.
Present were five entities of frightening appearance; with insect like eyes and a pale, or white translucent skin through which was visible a number of red veins. They wore an outfit with a turtleneck top that apparently concealed the lower portion of their faces. She is told that no harm will come to her but the voice does not appear to be spoken normally, sounding more like it came through a megaphone. Three other entities are dressed in similar outfits but apparently lack the bug like eyes of the first. The fifth is an entirely human appearing woman with blue eyes and long black hair, who speaks to her normally, and calms her. She was given an examination, which, she believes, included catheterization; she felt “shaky” experienced pain in her head, and a pain in her side. At times she experienced some difficulty in breathing. She expressed concern about her sisters, one of whom she believed she heard calling out to her in distress. She was not certain that both sisters were brought on board with her. Her feet were examined closely and at one point during the examination, one hand, or arm, was restrained so that she could not move it. The sensation of cold was relieved briefly several times, but severe headaches persisted throughout. Finally a large “scanning” device was placed over her face, and she was unable to see; it gave off a motor sound and when removed, she was again able to see. She was then carried out of the room and next thing she recalled was being “thrown” into the driver’s seat of the car, and her sister was suddenly in the seat next to her. She felt very tired and recalled crossing the bridge for the second time, after which she and her sisters proceeded straight home, arriving four hours later than expected.

Deer Man (2012, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma)

Kyle Heying claims that he was out at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in order to take photographs of the night sky there with a friend. On this evening at around 10 PM, the usual sounds of the forest suddenly became muted and the local wildlife started to display some decidedly bizarre and uncharacteristic behaviour. First some elk came running by and then a herd of bison, which all came uncomfortably close before hurrying off, and it seemed almost as if these animals were trying to get away from something scaring them out in the dark forest beyond.
This was enough to spook the men into packing up their stuff and calling it a night, and as they did they allegedly felt a strange change in air pressure and all of the sounds of the woods just stopped to send a profound silence crashing down upon them. The two unsettled men then heard something rustling about out in some tall grass nearby, jarring in the otherwise void of silence that had blanketed the area, and it seemed like whatever it was was coming towards them. Heying claims that he and his friends had then picked up some rifles they had with them, wary of what was apparently approaching. They started the car and began to drive off when they saw something step out in front of the vehicle that they would never forget, a creature which Heying described as having a head like an elk but which stood upright on two human legs and which had two human arms and “dark red” eyes. As they passed it, the nightmarish creature lurched forward to hit the car, and Heying floored it away as fast as the vehicle would go until they were about 3 miles away, where they stopped their flight to regain their wits. Heying would say of what happened next thus:
“We were scared shitless. Things got even quieter when we stayed there. While there we heard one ear-piercing screech or scream, almost a hunting screech of some sort that made my hair stand on end and gave me goose bumps even worse. With that we left the mountains completely, we felt as though we were not wanted there that night. The way the wildlife acted, the figure that we came across that the animals had to have ran from, and then the scream of which I can only find references to happens to be the Banshee. I cannot forget that figure we saw, as well as the scream. It was not human but it was not of any wildlife I am familiar with from out there.”
Image Source:

Burning Man (1125, Railbach, Freienstein, Germany)

Near the above town witnesses, including one Georg Miltenburger reported seeing a bizarre entity described as resembling a “burning man” or a man of fire. It was seen running over the hills, spitting fire from its nose and mouth. Some said that they could plainly see its burning ribs. It reportedly wandered around the mountainous area for quite some time. Do we have here a description of an entity wearing luminous clothing and using beams of light that was interpreted in a very primitive and superstitious way?
However, there are plenty of other stories detailing humanoids that appear to either be bioluminescent or somehow covered in flames, such as the Felixstowe 'Fire Demon' of 1965 and the Žiburinis of Lithuanian folklore. The image above is an illustration depicting the aforementioned fire demon, as I felt it was the best fitting picture to demonstrate how I imagine the entity in this case looked in life.

Source: Michel Bougard, Inforespace #23 and Jean Ferguson “Humanoids”

Image Credit:

Angel (May 18, 1749, Near Hertford, England)

'We have an account of a surprising phenomenon that was seen near Hertford during a violent storm of thunder and lightning, on Thursday the 18th by one John Mitchell, as he was traveling on the road: He was met by a man of a gigantic stature, his face shone like the sun, on his head something resembling a crown with stars, with wings on his shoulders; his body seemed of transparent fire; but suddenly it disappeared like several balls of light, attended with an explosion like that of a number of cannons.'
Here we seem to have a report of what can only be described as a classic angel, complete with the wings and larger-than-human stature. When angels appear in the Bible, their manifestation is often heralded by enormous noises like explosions (or 'cannons')
Source: 'Humanoid Encounters' by Albert Rosales & The Newcastle Courant (Tyne and Wear, England) May 27, 1749.

Mineral Point Vampire (1981 - 2004, Mineral Point, Wisconsin)

On the evening of March 14, 1981 there were reports of a vampire-like figure lurking in Graceland cemetery. The police responded. At the cemetery, a lone officer confronted a tall, thin, pale faced figure dressed in black and wearing a cape. The figure suddenly bolted. The officer gave chase. The chase ended when the pale man lept over a six foot fence at the border of the cemetery. The next morning, the police returned to the cemetery to follow tracks made in the snow. At the point where the pale man jumped over the fence, his tracks disappeared – there was nothing but untouched snow on the other side of the fence. In March, 2004, police responded to reports of man sitting in a tree outside of an apartment complex. When they arrived, a tall, thin, darkly clad man with a pale face leapt from the tree and fled. The police followed but quickly lost sight of the suspect. Again, there were footprints. The police followed them to a ten foot concrete wall – where they ended. In 2008, a young couple was fishing off of a pier at nearby Ludden Lake. They heard noises coming from beneath the pier, directly under their feet. Something was climbing up out of the water. Thinking it was an animal, they shined a flashlight between the boards of the pier to get a better look. Staring back at them was a stark white face of a man. The couple fled towards their car. The creature followed. It was fast. As they drove away they could see a tall darkly dressed, caped figure running towards them. Two patrol units went to the pier. They found the couple’s hastily abandoned fishing gear and nothing else.
Source & Image Credit:

Dwarves (1900, New South Wales, Australia)

A girl was taken at night from between her sisters as they slept beside a billabong, by little humanoid creatures with leathery skin. They took her underground and covered her in animal fat. She couldn’t see them because her eyes were covered with the fat but she could hear them. She said they just made guttural noises. She was there for a couple of hours, when she started to hear people calling out her name. She began clawing at the tree roots she could feel above her and broke through; she could just make out light and stuck her arm up out of the ground. A man calling out for her ran away as he thought the arm was “from something evil.” He came back with her family and they had a tug of war to get her out. Once they did, they built a big bonfire above the spot.

Apparition (1207-1273, Konya, Turkey)

Kira Hatun, the wife of the great Turkish thinker; Mevlana, witnessed her husband encountering “6 imposing men” who came in from a “door” that strangely appeared on the wall of the house. According to Kira; the men carried roses in their hands and presented them to Mevlana. Then all began to pray. When the prayer session ended, the six men vanished in plain sight. Kira took some of the roses and asked her gardener about the origin of these flowers. Amazed, he said that these were invaluable Indian roses. (Some speculate that these visitors could have been from Agartha; reputed to be an ancient mystical underground civilization in India).
Source: 'Humanoid Encounters' by Albert Rosales & Murat Aksoy quoting ‘Mevlana ve Medyomluk.’

Lobizón (January 2005, La Playosa, Cordoba, Argentina)

Since early January numerous residents of this community in Cordoba have reported the presence of a bizarre creature they call a “Lobizón” (wolfman). The intruder has attempted to enter local residents while at the same time emitting blood curling howls. It generally targets homes where there are no men around; it attempts to enter the home through the rear open patio area. Thankfully so far he has no been able to gain access to any of the residences where women and children have been alone there to confront him. Several women have described the entity as very tall, hairy, thin, and very agile, with blood shot eyes and wearing all black clothing. Police has failed to locate the mysterious intruder.
“Generally speaking, it attacks dwellings in which no men are known to live, or happen to be away for various causes. It tries to break in through back yards and alleyways, knowing that only women or children happen to be present. Fortunately it has been unable to break into homes because the doors were locked” - Ana, one of the women attacked by the Lobizón to the Cordoba newspaper La Mañana.
As of another report also made in 2005, residents of Barrio San Lorenzo remain frightened and agitated by the apparitions of the ghostly character dubbed "Rooftop Madman" (Loco de los Techos). Given prevailing state of nervous tension, two psychologists began working with the population through the health assistance center located in the area. This psychiatric help has seemingly not gotten rid of the creature, for stories were still rife in the streets of Argentina. An elderly man told a local news outlet by the name of El Litoral that he had seen the invader in the hallways of his own home. Furthermore, a woman dwelling in the 4000 block of Entre Rios Street claims that she saw the being standing at the top of an old pine tree. Apparently, her 11-year old son fainted upon the sight of the monster.
This case is extremely similar to that of the Victorian Spring-Heeled Jack - an entity capable of making supernaturally large leaps and who was also usually seen wearing all black clothing. Jack's eyes were described as burning like red fire. Another parallel case is that of the 'Monkey Man' of New Delhi - which was responsible for an outbreak of mass hysteria, panic and at least one death in 2001. This creature was described as hairy, semi-cybernetic and capable of unnatural agility. Just like Jack - and likely this Lobizón - the Monkey Man vanished without a trace after causing total chaos. I am calling cases of these sorts of entities 'phantom attackers'.
Source: and

Werewolf (July 2017*, Norwich, England)

A driver on the way back from the cinema in Norwich encountered a large black wolf eating a carcass along the A1067. The creature was described as standing around a metre at the withers, with yellow eyes and black matted hair. The driver slowed and the wolf briefly looked up before continuing to eat. The witness continued home, shaken. Later, according to a documentation made on a dogman investigation website, a paranormal investigator and a friend (who was a lifelong alien contactee and associated with Rendlesham Forest) investigated the area using various psychic ‘sensing’ techniques, and ended up seeing something resembling a North American coyote with a disproportionately large head. The animal was between 4-5ft tall and apparently walked upright for the entire encounter. Seeing as these people have very little credible evidence to support their bizarre claims, I give more validity to the previous encounter - which has been documented in other places rather than just the comments of a forum.
Image Credit:

*This story was assembled from information found in two different sources, and one of them stated that the event took place in 2006, but the other seemed to imply that it was 2017.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Vampire (Early 1990s, Lochmaben Castle, Scotland)

Tom Robertson investigated the woods in Lochmaben (Dumfries and Galloway) after hearing stories of animals that had been found drained of their blood. He encountered a tall figure dressed in sacking with a hood over its head, which black eyes and grey face. The creature leapt into a tree and swung away. Eight years later Robertson went looking for the creature again, finding it and taking a couple of photos - one of which is pictured at the top.
This case blew me away when I first saw the pictures, but then I soon reconsidered and realised just how easy it would be to fake this story and the photographs. The so-called ‘vampire’ in the image seems to be a broad-shouldered guy who could have easily just posed for this photograph and then left. Of course, we should always give the benefit of the doubt to witnesses of bizarre occurences like this, but it is helpful to maintain an attitude of healthy skepticism.

Light Being (November 10th, 2014, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico)

A Mexican man by the name of Ismael Carrillo was filming his young son’s game of baseball, and only noticed that his film had captured a bizarre and diminutive mystery being after rewatching the clip. The figure is around 2-3ft in height, judging from the scale given by the other children present, and is appears to be translucent and wearing a white gown-like garment. It has arms (or similar appendages) that also appear to be covered in fabric or cloth, and strange surges of light or energy can be seen emitting from the entity’s body. As you can see in the GIF-format videos above, the so-called surges of light could just as easily be misidentified reflections of a tin foil-like cloak being worn by the little thing. However, the more that I look at the vidoes, the more it seems that the entity is actually two-dimensional, and appears to turn at one point in the video, revealing a very thin body. This fluctuation in shape could also be due to the entity either being an artifact on the film itself - something like a scratch on the lens - or something non-physical like a ghost or apparition.

Phantom Stranger (October 1, 1999, Manhattan, New York)

A sinister entity was seen in the subways of Manhattan, New York on October 1, 1999. The witness was ascending the escalator at Penn Station and had reached street level when she noticed standing about 20 feet away, what seemed to be a male figure about 6 feet, 7 inches tall. He stood near the mouth of the entranceway to the station. His face was light gray (almost white), with thick brows and menacing eyes. He stood in a peculiar way, standing with his back arched, shoulders broad, his elbows pointing towards his back, and his head was tilted back as if he was looking at the tops of the passersby’s heads - it was like he was trying to choose one of them. The witness caught a glimpse of his face but she turned away immediately, and walked away down the sidewalk without turning back, feeling that if she would turn around for another look something would happen to her. For an unknown reason she felt tremendous fear.
Quick note from the editor here - This story seems to be a stretch at best, and barely paranormal at worst. This person could have easily been a mentally ill individual or simply someone with a strange posture. Also, the fact that the witness provides no personal information makes the story extremely difficult to pinpoint, especially seeing as this tale is only mentioned in the source below - which is a wiki, so take it with a grain of salt. Or iron. Both are helpful when taking down demons.

Ufonaut (1990, Near Kiev, Ukraine)

A local woman was gathering mushrooms in a field when she was approached by a strange figure more than 2 meters in height. The figure was dressed in a shiny dark diving suit and a helmet. The stranger shone a beam of yellow light at the woman and disappeared, having literally evaporated into thin air. The witness reported a strange aftereffect; according to doctors she completely ceased to attend to the toilet, even after eating and drinking regularly. Apparently the doctors removed the waste manually. Suddenly in 1993 the normal functions of the witness were unexpectedly restored. This account should be traced back through its source and the hospital that analysed the witness should be found. If this can be done, then the story can be either debunked or validated.
Source: “Flying basins in the steppes of the Ukraine” by Max Zhibinov

Dancing Spirits (1973, Nympsfield, Gloucestershire)

A teenager standing on this hill looked down into a clearing in the woodland to see women in period costume. They appeared to be wearing very tall cone hats and dancing. The women vanished without warning. The lack of information given on this report doesn’t necessarily that it is a fakery, but it also makes it incredibly difficult to trace back to its original source and properly research. This article is acting as a sort of placemarker, so that I can come back to it later when I (or maybe an intrepid reader of this blog) finds the source, or at the very least another reference to the story outside of paranormaldatabase.

Boneless (1950s September, Longdendale Valley, Derbyshire)

There are many British folktales telling of encounters with an eerie amorphous entity, animate and sinister, variously nicknamed ‘Boneless’ or simply ‘It’. One moonlit September night during the 1950s, however, railwayman John Davies was riding his motorbike back home to his cottage in Derbyshire’s Longdendale Valley when he saw what appears to have been a bona fide Boneless crossing the road not far ahead. Moments earlier, he had felt an uncanny, seemingly reasonless compulsion to brake, and as he did so he spied what looked like a huge black slug sliding across the road and up the moor, making a scraping noise as its massive but near-shapeless form moved along. Up closer, it looked a little like a massive whale, and even possessed an eye-like structure, and Davies later learnt that it had been seen by others. One such observer was a friend of Davies, who had seen it sliding across the valley below Ogden Clough, where it was also observed on a separate occasion by another of his friends. Both of them were convinced that whatever it was, it was definitely evil, and both had fled in panic after spying it.

Vampire Caterpillar (23rd November 1904, Edinburgh, Scotland)

While walking along a street in Edinburgh, Godfrey H. Anderson claimed to have spied a bizarre 'something' that rose out a gutter and sprung up towards the throat of a nearby horse. According to Anderson's description, the creature was a 'vague black shape about four feet long and two and a half feet high… like an hourglass and moved like a huge caterpillar.' The horse reared up in terror, and its phantasmal attacker promptly vanished.
Source: Creatures of the Outer Edge by Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman

Big-Eyes (1950s, Goudhurst, Kent)

During the mid-1950s, writer Joan Forman had spent time teaching at the school in the Kentish village of Goodhurst (possibly a misspelling of Goudhurst). One early morning during the summer holidays, when few others were there, she had awoken from sleep in her room, alone within the school building’s oldest section, and was shocked to see a grotesque creature crouching on the floor to the left of her bed, glowing slightly in the darkness and gazing at her with what she considered to be an unblinking stare of outright evil and obscenity. It was about the size of a large cat or corgi dog, but its most striking feature were its huge eyes, which she likened to those of a nocturnal lemur. She lay there, rendered immobile by its seemingly mocking, revolting stare for some time, before, with the onset of dawn, it slowly faded away, and the intense coldness that until then had filled the room vanished with it. Years later, she learned that her successor at the school also witnessed this entity, but in a different bedroom.
This entity’s manifestation could have been a result of sleep paralysis, but doubt is cast on this theory by the fact that another witness had seen the creature. The bizarre animal bears some slight resemblance to the North American legend of Tailypo.
Image Credit: Katherine Coville

Deva (June 1922, Lake District, Cumbria)

While visiting the Lake District, Cumbria, in June 1922, theosophist Geoffrey Hodson (who witnessed numerous other entities, some of which he illustrated, as shown above) claimed to have witnessed an astonishing being that he believed to have been a deva or nature spirit. According to his description of what he had seen, it was an enormous bat-like entity, brilliant crimson in colour with a human face and burning piercing eyes that fixed themselves upon him as its wings stretched out over the mountainside, before sinking into the hillside and disappearing. It later reappeared before him, but now in much smaller form, this time standing a ‘mere’ 3-4 m high.
Image Credit: Geoffrey Hodson

Ufonaut (August 16, 1945, San Antonio, New Mexico)

Jose Padilla heard a crash that sounded like a sonic boom, and which he compared to an atomic bomb test. The crashed object was apparently around 35ft in diameter, and 15ft high. Reme Baca (a second witness) described the creatures as thin-bodied beings that resembled praying mantises, but Padilla said that they were three little men who were rushing back and forth, like they were injured. Two days later, the body returned to the site with adults, and the creatures were gone but the craft remained. It would be interesting to follow up on this case and find out what (if anything) happened to the craft, or if photographs were taken of it.
Source: Coast to Coast AM

Kappa (November 1978, Yokosuka, Japan)

Two construction workers by the names of Makoto Ito and Toshio Hashimoto were fishing off a stone seawall near the US Navy Base in the Japanese port city of Yokosuka when they saw something they would never forget. Ito recalls that ‘It just popped up from beneath the surface and stood there. It was not a fish, an animal or a man. It was about 3 meters in height and was covered in thick, scaly skin like a reptile. It had a face and two large yellow eyes that seemed to be focused on us.’ The witnesses described this entity as a Kappa, which is a mythological creature from Japan that resembles a hybrid of a monkey and a turtle. They effectively act as water goblins that are prone to stealing livestock and attacking swimmers. I’m not sure if the description of this entity as being 3 meters tall is correct, or if the witness meant to say it was 3 feet tall. If the former is correct, then this sounds more like a lizardman sighting.
Source & Image Credit: The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman, Patrick Huyghe & Harry Trumbore

Man-Tiger (1702-1714, England)

A curious creature was exhibited in England during the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714). It was referred to as a ‘Man-Tiger’ by those that saw it. From below the head it was described as manlike, implying that the head itself was like that of a tiger. Its hinder parts were hairy, and it would drink ale from a glass as well as sometimes engaging in bouts with a quarterstaff. Could this have been a man with Hypertrichosis? The above picture is of Stephan Bibrowsky (also known as the Lion-Faced Man) who suffered from the aforementioned genetic disorder.
Source: ‘The Mystery and Lore of Monsters’ by CJS Thompson.
Image Credit: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Aquatic Giant (1992, Kavgolov, Leningrad, Russia)

A man named D. Povaliyayev was hang-gliding one day in the early 1990s above the town of Kavgolov in the Leningrad area. The region has many lakes, and in one of these lakes he observed what seemed to be “three gigantic fish”. He descended in order to get a closer view, and was able to observe “swimmers in silvery garb”. He mentioned this episode in a book written by him.
Source: 'Humanoid Encounters' by Albert Rosales

Aquatic Giant (1982, Northern Tian Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan)

Either in the Summer of Autumn of 1982, Mark Shteynberg, along with Lt. Colonel Gennady Zverev were conducting periodic training of the reconnaisance divers (also known as frogmen) of the Turkestan and Central Asian military regions. These excercises were taking place in Issyk-Kul, a deep-water lake in the Transiliysk Ala Tau area of Kyrgyzstan. Strangely, a very important official by the name of Major-General V. Demyanko, who was the commander of the Military Diver Service of the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense in the USSR, paid a visit to the officers. Demyanko informed the officers that frogmen on similar training exercises in the Trans-Baikal and West Siberian military regions had encountered 'underwater swimmers' that were human-like but extremely large - being almost three metres in height.
These swimming humanoids were clad in silvery suits that fit tightly around their bodies, and were wearing no equipment or scuba-diving apparatus of any kind despite their depth of fifty metres below the surface. Instead of any human technology, these entities wore sphere-like helmets that concealed their heads. Rightly quite alarmed by these occurences, the local military commander decided to capture one of the aquatic giants. Under the command of an officer, a special group of seven divers were dispatched to carry out this mission. According to the account in which I heard of this anomalous event, the divers apparently were (un)lucky enough to come face to face with one of the humanoids. As the frogmen attempted to capture the giant with a net, the entire group was thrown out of the deep water and up to the surface by some unknown force.
Because the equipment used by the frogmen does not allow surfacing from such depths without the following of the usual decompression process, all the members of the group were struck with aeroebolism (decompression sickness). The only available treatment for this at the time was immediate isolation under decompressive conditions in pressure chambers. Several chambers of this type were in the area, but only one of them was in working condition - and could only contain a maximum of two people. Stupidly, four frogmen were forced into the chamber, and three of them (including the leader of the group) died as a result of this. The rest of them became invalids.
After this event, the previously-mentioned Major-General rushed to Issyk-Kul to warn Shteynberg and Zverev against taking similar actions if the mysterious divers were encountered. Although Issyk-Kul is shallower than the Baikal Lake in which the humanoids were encountered, the depth of the former was apparently deemed sufficient to contain the anomalous beings. The website from which I learnt this story seemed to suggest that the Major-General may have known something that Shteynberg didn't, but this just sounds like needless conspiracy mongering.
It is interesting to note that the staff headquarters of the Turkmenistan Military Region received an order from the Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces, containing an analysis of the Baikal Lake events and reprimands. This order was supplemented by an information bulletin from the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense headquarters, which listed numerous deepwater lakes in which there had been registered encounters with anomalous things. These things included the appearance of underwater humanoids much like those seen at Baikal, the descent and surfacing of 'giant discs and spheres' (USOs) and powerful luminescence emanating from the deep.
I found this case on two semi-trustworthy UFO websites, and so please take the story with a heaping helping of salt, especially as it seems almost too 'action movie' to be true. If there were actually military deaths caused by aquatic giants, then it would either be so highly-classified that nerdy websites would never know about it, or it would initiate a massive-scale investigation of which the world would have known.
Sources: and

Ufonaut (August 2009, Risør, Norway)

The witness said that he was walking in his local woodland at roughly midday when he came across two 'small lights' floating in front of him. He able to get about 3 meters (10 feet) away from the anomalous object until it 'began swirling faster and faster until a black hole appeared'. A glowing sphere with legs fell out of the portal and started to 'walk' towards him, at which point he tried to run away and hide in the woods but described the automaton as moving through the trees 'like there were no trees'. The witness feared for his life at this point, and so he decided to confront the object. When he grabbed it with his hands, he felt a strange 'electric and vibrating shock' and was promptly thrown backwards into the air, only to land in a nearby farm field. He describes a sensation like he was 'sinking into the ground', and then says that he heard a voice that he believes could have been speaking either Hebrew or Arabic.
He screamed, begging for help, and turned his head to see a white male about 250cm (8 feet) standing there. He went into shock and then an additional three orbs showed up by his side. What he describes simply as 'grey humanoids' then emerged from the spheres, and 'looked angry' at him, whereupon the taller white humanoid pointed at the woods and commanded the small greys to 'roll away'. The man doesn't elaborate further on his story, but he claims to have been with the entities for about 8 hours.

Marian Apparition (April 25th 880, Montserrat-Santa Cova, Spain)

In the last few days of April during the year 880, seven young children from Monistrol saw a strange light descending from the sky and move towards a small grotto on the mountain of Montserrat, accompanied by a soft melody. After a week, a group of priests lead by the Bishop of Manresa returned to the site and saw the light again. For four Saturdays in a row, the light continually reappeared and dropped towards the mountain grotto. Finally, seven men were sent to the place that the light was indicating, and they discovered an image of a black virgin surrounded by magical light and giving off a pleasant scent. The cave in which the virgin was deposited was an area called Santa Cova. The locals attempted to carry the mysterious statue to Manresa, but it grew heavier with the further they tried to move it. Eventually it became so heavy that they had to leave it in the middle of the fields - where they erected a hermitage to the Virgin Mary that is still there to this day.
Source: Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallée & Chris Aubeck

Menehune (1940s, Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii)

One day during a normal period of recess, a school superintendent by the name of George London and about forty-five middle elementary students stumbled upon a group of dwarfish beings that would be best described as Menehune (Hawaiian faeries). Details of this encounter are recounted by Reverend Kenneth W. Smith of several of the local churches, who spoke to the witnesses first-hand. From his testimony, it seems that the case might have occurred earlier than he remembers. The witnesses tell of seeing the Menehune playing around the large trees on the lawn of the parish property, which is directly across the street from where the Waimea High School is today. When the dwarves spotted the children, they stopped jumping in and out of the trees and dove under the parish house, seemingly into some kind of entrance. Local folklore holds that a tunnel runs from underneath that parish house all the way up to the Menehunes’ mountainous abode. The Menehune are usually described as being 2-3ft tall and having stout and muscular bodies covered in hair of unspecified colour or texture. They have big eyes set in their red-skinned face, partially hidden by long eyebrows. Their noses are short and thick, and they have protruding foreheads.
Source & Image Credit:  The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman, Patrick Huyghe & Harry Trumbore

Merbeing (November 1737, Coast of Exeter, Devon, England)

Fishermen on the shore caught a four-foot-tall humanoid, with duck-like feet and a tail protruding from its back. It tried to escape but was killed when the fishermen beat it with sticks (like humans apparently do whenever they encounter something weird). Another fish-man was caught a few months later in the same area, though this one was described with more seal-like qualities. There are actually a surprisingly large amount of merbeing sightings that were reported in 1737 - and so maybe they were following some kind of a migratory pattern?
Source: 'Humanoid Encounters' by Albert Rosales
Image Credit:

Apparition (January 2008, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia)

L. Davis (a witness involved in other encounters) reported seeing a dull, darkish grey creature of medium height glide from the lounge to the bathroom in her mother's house. She said that it was not a 'friendly' being and that it became aggressive when it had been spotted, and then continually made its presence known in the house for about 3 days before disappearing. The witness says that she was 5 months pregnant at the time, but the foetus disappeared - bizarrely. She remembers having a strange dream where she gave birth in an open paddock on a medical table during the day. Apparently there were many bizarre humanoids standing around her. They took the newly-born baby girl away for some time, before letting the witness nurse her for a while, and then took her away again. She didn't realise that something was wrong until a few days after the dream. This encounter was originally found on this website but the site has since been taken down. I found the case itself through Albert Rosales’ website

Neanderthal (1939, Serra da Estrela, Portugal)

Neanderthals were a species of human that are believed to have gone extinct roughly 40,000 years ago. Some people have suggested that their continued existence may explain sightings of sasquatch and bigfoot - I beg to differ on this matter, but I have an interesting case to present to you!
An 83-year-old resident of the Portuguese mountain range by the name of Serra da Estrela recently told the website ‘’ that she witnessed a group of primitive humanoids when she was 5 years old. She and her sister (8 at the time) were in a remote area of the mountains when they saw two naked men with yellowish skin speaking a bizarre language. They then saw the men entering a cave. The following day, they decided to take their sheepdog to check out the cave, but the dog refused to go in, and kept growling at the cave. The witness’s sister wanted to go back, and they could smell smoke that was apparently coming from inside the cave.
Later that day, the witness said that they told their father about the incident, and he became angry due to apparently possessing prior knowledge about the existence of ‘original peoples’ in the area. According to the father, these people survived in small numbers and were still living in a primitive state. The father said that there were only around half a dozen individuals left.

Merbeing (January 10th, 2008, Suurbraak, Western Cape, South Africa)

While enjoying a 'braai' (barbeque) on the banks of the local Buffelsjags River, a group of friends reported spotting a mermaid-like creature previously believed to be legendary. This entity is known as the Kaaiman in local folklore. A local resident by the name of Daniel Cupido said that he was relaxing next to the river with a group of friends when he heard something that sounded like someone 'bashing on a wall'. When he walked towards the sound, he saw a figure that he described as 'like that of a white woman with long black hair' at a nearby low water bridge. She was allegedly 'thrashing about in the water' and so Cupido thought to try and save her, walking towards her but stopping in his tracks after noticing a reddish shine in her eyes. This sight 'sent shivers down his spine', yet he was pulled forwards towards her as if hypnotised. He called out for his child, who was called Deidrian and was 13 at the time, and his nephew, Werner Plaatjies, 11. When they came to help him, they broke him out of the trance, and he then yelled for his friends to take a look at the supposed mermaid as well.
Later, Martin Olckers said that he saw a female figure swimming on one side of the low water bridge, and then on the other, before standing on the bridge and diving back into the water. He said that the figure made a sound like a woman crying, and his mother, Dina, said that the sound was so sorrowful that her 'heart could take it no more'. Dina's husband Martinus said that their parents had warned them about the Kaaiman, but they had never believed that it existed. Some people allege that the Kaaiman is responsible for recent drownings.
Source: “Sighting of legendary river mermaid in Western Cape,” Herald, West Cape News by Aldo Pekeur
Image Credit:

Apparition (January 3rd, 2008, Warnham, England)

After watching a late-night film on the TV, the witness (who was supposedly involved in other cases) retired to bed after 12:30 am. She soon fell asleep but was then woken up by a strange dragging sound outside of her block of flats. She listened, trying to decipher the sound, and eventually turned on her side to free her right ear in an attempt to hear better. This didn't work, and she decided to climb out of bed to observe the source of the sound through the window on her left. As she opened her  eyes, however, she saw a strange apparition on the left-hand corner of the foot of her bed. It resembled a glowing young lady wearing a bright white shiny gown. The apparition stood there - looking at the witness with what she could only describe as 'pure and clear' eyes. A silvery glow emanated from its very essence and extended to a few inches around it, but was confined to its body and didn't light up the room. No communication took place between the entity and the witness, neither telepathic nor verbal, and so the witness expressed that she was confused as to what was happening. As they looked at each other, the witness could still hear the strange sound that had woken her up, and thought that the two must be connected. This event lasted for about 30-60 seconds, and then the being simply vanished. The witness lay in bed for a couple of minutes after this, trying to comprehend what had just happened. She decided to finally see what was happening outside, and so sheleft her bed to see that a can of Coca Cola had been blown about on the tarred road outside, and the noise ceased when the can hit a curb. After this, the witness went back to sleep. This case could have been an apparitional entity of some kind, but it seems more likely that it was a hypnagogic hallucination.
Source: ‘Your True Tales’ May 2008

Henderson Island Monster (Henderson Island, Puget Sound, July 1893)

The first description of this bizarre event was found in the Tacoma Daily Ledger of July 3rd, 1893. A group of men were on a fishing expedition at Henderson Island off Puget Sound when they (as well as a small group of surveyors) witnessed the creature in question. A loud noise was followed by a strong electric current and bright lights – and two men who touched the water were rendered senseless immediately. The creature that seemed to be the origin of the light and sound dived beneath the water at this point, but the light that shone from its body remained visible. The beast was described as 150ft (or 45.7m) long and was 30ft (or 9m) wide at its thickest point. Its head was supposedly larger than that of a walrus but resembled this in shape. It had six eyes, all of which were large and dull. The electricity that had previously knocked out two witnesses appeared to come from ‘copper bands’ encircling its body, and it flung out electrified water from hornlike protuberances on its head. In place of a tale, it seemed to have a propeller which revolved. Loren Coleman, a famous cryptozoologist, suggested that the Henderson Island Monster was an unidentified submersible object rather than a living organism. The witnesses would beg to differ. However, if it was a machine, where would such an awesome contraption have come from in the 19th century?

Source: Unexplained! By Jerome Clark

Flying Humanoid (Detroit, August 19th, 2002)

The witness was driving their work truck through a storm - lightning was flashing, but there was no thunder and rain had not started. The witness happened to look upwards and saw what they took to be the Fisher Building - which is approximately 50 floors high and has a large glowing red ball on top. There were what looked to be birds, but they were apparently too large to be birds. They covered the ball and it appeared as if they were startled from the lightning in the storm, because they all flew upwards in a boomerang formation. There was a yellow glow as they drifted Southeast (heading towards Canada) which eventually turned reddish as the creatures moved. When the lightning hit the top of the building, the building lit up bright white. That was the moment in which the witness decided that they were seeing angels taking off. They said that they were not drinking, do not use drugs and had a restful night’s sleep before.


Werewolf (Flixton, England, 940-1970s)

Flixton is a small village that sits on the Southeastern edge of the Vale of Pickering, about five miles south of Scarborough on the North Yorkshire coast. Although Flixton is a bleak and desolate landscape nowadays, it would have been wild and remote in the 10th century - and the first report of the eponymous werewolf only serves to enforce this idea.
There is a chance that the Flixton Werewolf story goes back further than this, but the lycanthrope situation was so dire in the year 940 that a roadside hostel was constructed in Flixton solely for the purpose of protecting travellers from the beast. The werewolf supposedly attacked sheep and local people as well as travellers. Food was scarce in the cruel Northern British Winter, and the beast dug up and devoured freshly buried corpses. Anyone who went out after dark was at risk of being attacked. These attacks became quite infamous in Flixton and the villages around it, but reports stopped for a while before the monster resurfaced around 1150. Interestingly, there was speculation around the time of the first wave of attacks that the werewolf was connected to a local magician, who either used the monster for his own gains or was a shapeshifter himself. In 1150, what could be assumed to be the same creature devoured a local shepherd and a young girl, as well as attacking farm animals. This werewolf walked upright and smelt awful, and had a long tail and ferocious-looking eyes which were described as glowing in the dark. As a continuation of the trend, the werewolf vanished without a trace for 600 years, before once again manifesting in 1800 when a carriage travelling to York was attacked just outside Flixton, when a huge wolf-like creature first mauled the driver and then the occupants of the carriage. One of these travellers reported shot the creature, but the beast was unharmed. Although there were still wolves in Britain at this time, they were very rare and would have had to be extremely desperate to attack a carriage full of people. Finally, local reports appeared in the 1970s that relayed the tale of a truck that was attacked when a canine beast jumped onto the front and tried to smash its way through the windscreen.
Another point of interest is that Flixton is situated on the site of Star Carr – a Neolithic lake village dating back to the end of the last ice age. This makes the place extremely ancient and thus a perfect location for esoteric legends to take root. Although officially confirmed reports of the Flixton Werewolf only date back a thousand years, who knows what strange creatures featured in the stories of people way back in the mists of time.