Saturday, 28 April 2018

Burning Man (1125, Railbach, Freienstein, Germany)

Near the above town witnesses, including one Georg Miltenburger reported seeing a bizarre entity described as resembling a “burning man” or a man of fire. It was seen running over the hills, spitting fire from its nose and mouth. Some said that they could plainly see its burning ribs. It reportedly wandered around the mountainous area for quite some time. Do we have here a description of an entity wearing luminous clothing and using beams of light that was interpreted in a very primitive and superstitious way?
However, there are plenty of other stories detailing humanoids that appear to either be bioluminescent or somehow covered in flames, such as the Felixstowe 'Fire Demon' of 1965 and the Žiburinis of Lithuanian folklore. The image above is an illustration depicting the aforementioned fire demon, as I felt it was the best fitting picture to demonstrate how I imagine the entity in this case looked in life.

Source: Michel Bougard, Inforespace #23 and Jean Ferguson “Humanoids”

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