Saturday, 28 April 2018

Lobizón (January 2005, La Playosa, Cordoba, Argentina)

Since early January numerous residents of this community in Cordoba have reported the presence of a bizarre creature they call a “Lobizón” (wolfman). The intruder has attempted to enter local residents while at the same time emitting blood curling howls. It generally targets homes where there are no men around; it attempts to enter the home through the rear open patio area. Thankfully so far he has no been able to gain access to any of the residences where women and children have been alone there to confront him. Several women have described the entity as very tall, hairy, thin, and very agile, with blood shot eyes and wearing all black clothing. Police has failed to locate the mysterious intruder.
“Generally speaking, it attacks dwellings in which no men are known to live, or happen to be away for various causes. It tries to break in through back yards and alleyways, knowing that only women or children happen to be present. Fortunately it has been unable to break into homes because the doors were locked” - Ana, one of the women attacked by the Lobizón to the Cordoba newspaper La Mañana.
As of another report also made in 2005, residents of Barrio San Lorenzo remain frightened and agitated by the apparitions of the ghostly character dubbed "Rooftop Madman" (Loco de los Techos). Given prevailing state of nervous tension, two psychologists began working with the population through the health assistance center located in the area. This psychiatric help has seemingly not gotten rid of the creature, for stories were still rife in the streets of Argentina. An elderly man told a local news outlet by the name of El Litoral that he had seen the invader in the hallways of his own home. Furthermore, a woman dwelling in the 4000 block of Entre Rios Street claims that she saw the being standing at the top of an old pine tree. Apparently, her 11-year old son fainted upon the sight of the monster.
This case is extremely similar to that of the Victorian Spring-Heeled Jack - an entity capable of making supernaturally large leaps and who was also usually seen wearing all black clothing. Jack's eyes were described as burning like red fire. Another parallel case is that of the 'Monkey Man' of New Delhi - which was responsible for an outbreak of mass hysteria, panic and at least one death in 2001. This creature was described as hairy, semi-cybernetic and capable of unnatural agility. Just like Jack - and likely this Lobizón - the Monkey Man vanished without a trace after causing total chaos. I am calling cases of these sorts of entities 'phantom attackers'.
Source: and

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